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Cowboys U

Since 2012 under the leadership of Head Coach Jason Garrett, the ÃÛÌÒTV have hosted Cowboys U as a way to close out the team's off-season workouts. In a rare opportunity to interact with the entire Cowboys roster, nearly 200 deserving high school football players, representing more than 42 schools in the North Texas, are selected by their coaches to spend a day learning from Cowboys players and participating in 7-on-7 tournament that ends in a Super Bowl championship. Cowboys players become coaches and Cowboys coaches become referees during this impactful day for the young athletes, that includes Cowboys players sharing their stories of hard work, perseverance and the road to success. A session on character and making good life choices led by guest speakers is also part of the Cowboys U experience.

Views of Cowboys U 2018 at Ford Center at The Star in Frisco, Texas.

2018 Champions: Team Dan Bailey

2017 Champions: Team 

2016 Co-Champions: Team  and Team Barry Church

2015 Champions: Team Brandon Carr

2014 Champions: Team 

2013 Champions: Team Tony Romo

2012 Champions: Team 
